Teresa Vall Palou. Like a light cloudFrom December 16 - March 5, 2022
Opening: Thursday, December 18, 2021 at 7 pm. Curator: Conxita Oliver Teresa Vall Palou’s mature work is situated in the challenge of ‘less is more’. It continues to advance in a major stage that consists of dematerialization and the introduction of environmental values that allude to natural energy currents. Its expressive force lies in its sense of elimination and restraint, in a process that evolves into restraint and nudity. Today's paintings are like light, volatile, and vaporous clouds, although the structural rigor is maintained through compositional schemes. It is this constant, the fruit of immediacy, which is sustained throughout its evolution and which is ascertained throughout its itinerary of sensations and intentions. This encounter between the physical world and the intangible universe that it suggests through veiled flotations and spatial growths intensifies as time goes on. On the other hand, the recent installations are inspired by oriental resonances with experimental and research work, made of attempts and intuitions. |
Metaphysics of fragility. From the avant-gardes to conceptual artFrom September 16 - December 4, 2021
Opening: Thursday, September 16, 2021 at 7 pm. Curator: Pilar Parcerisas Colomer Poor sculpture is a recurring line of work during the 20th century with less concern for "form" than for "concept" and its evolution has led to its dematerialization. 18 artists from four different generations participate, represented by 63 works that illustrate the evolution of sculpture from the fragility and poverty of materials to the idea: Leandre Cristòfol, Moisès Villèlia, Antoni Tàpies, Antoni Llena, Àngels Ribé, Jaume Xifra, Pere Noguera, Benet Ferrer, Benet Rossell, Jordi Pablo, Pep Duran, Jordi Colomer, Joan Rom, Marga Ximénez, Ramon Guillén-Balmes, Ricardo Calero, Xavier Déu and Aureli Ruiz. ↓ Video | Catalogue*
* If you want to view/download the exhibition catalogue you can stop by the foundation or ask us for the link. |
Pere Bellès. GeometricsFrom April 30 to July 30, 2021
Opening: Thursday, April 29, at 7 pm. Curator: Pilar Parcerisas Colomer Man’s footprint on the ground is geometrically shaped. Fields, cities, buildings, communications take geometry as a foundation. Pere Bellès conceptualizes the territory. It is based on the plots that architects and urban planners have drawn up on a map to define their space for action. Lately, his walking or running journeys have been incorporated into his geometric thinking. His work, he says, “is based on the search for traces left by man on the territory where he has lived throughout history.» Pere Bellès is the author of M1 IFT LLD (Mural1 InFrastrucTures LLeiDa), a public art project for the city of Lleida on the walls of the Fundació Vallpalou, on Avinguda Tortosa. Catalogue*
* If you want to view/download the exhibition catalogue you can stop by the foundation or ask us for the link. |
Joseph Beuys. ManresaFrom April 30 to July 30, 2021
Opening: Thursday, April 29, at 7 pm. Curator: Pilar Parcerisas Colomer In the mid-1960s and within the framework of the FLUXUS movement, Joseph Beuys (1921-1986) found the possibility of turning the art system upside down as an artistic discipline. Art could be an instrument for changing man and the world, but for that it was necessary to expand its narrow margins and enlarge its concept: all of Beuys ’actions were important in expanding the old concept of art. The action MANRESA by Beuys had its spiritual substratum in Ignatius of Loyola, which the artist read and reread during his spiritual crisis in the late fifties. The demonstration action MANRESA, executed at the Schmela Gallery in Düsseldorf on 15.12.1966, with the collaboration of the Danish artists Henning Christiansen and Björn Nörgaard, opens its doors in Beuys, following the example of Loyola, to the evolution of his work towards social sculpture. Photographs, Walter Vogel Catalogue*
* If you want to view/download the exhibition catalogue you can stop by the foundation or ask us for the link. |
Manresa. HbfFrom April 30 to July 30, 2021
Opening: Thursday, April 29, at 7 pm. Curator: Pilar Parcerisas Colomer The MANRESA Hbf action carried out in the city of Manresa on November 4, 1994 by the composer and musician Henning Chistiansen and the sculptor Björn Nörgaard, artists of Danish origin and close collaborators of Joseph Beuys in the 1966 MANRESA action maintains the spiritual substratum of this action-demonstration and also that of Loyola in Manresa. Christophe Charles and Friedhelm Mennekes collaborated. The MANRESA Hbf action was a visit to the original energy source by two mediating artists and coaches of this northsouth journey on the continent of Eurasia. The two artists created a script that followed spaces on the Ignatian route of Manresa and turned a FLUXUS action into a Via Crucis with six stations or stops in homage to Joseph Beuys and Ignatius of Loyola. Photographs, Joan-Esteve Guillamet Catalogue*
* If you want to view/download the exhibition catalogue you can stop by the foundation or ask us for the link. |
Teresa Vall Palou. Speck of dust, glow-wormFrom December 4, 2020 - March 27, 2021
Opening: Thursday, December 3, 2020 at 7 pm. Curator: Pilar Parcerisas Colomer Teresa Vall Palou’s latest paintings are compositions that are born from an “interior need”, far removed from external appearances and objects, in which the vital impulse is ordered with color and materials. They maintain the white background of the canvas, a colour that is fullness and nothingness, and are organized in very short series, recording emotional moments that tighten color and shape, initiating a period of maturity and synthesis. Compositions ranging from color to form, from chaos to order, from the particular to the universal, from objective chance to subjective control, from object to subject. It is a work open to each viewer, a mirror where each one can project themselves and rediscover their emotions, the result of an abstract thought that only responds to the spiritual condition of being. |
Poetic machines: Duchamp, Man Ray, PicabiaFrom December 4, 2020 - March 27, 2021
Opening: Thursday, December 3, 2020 at 7 pm. Curator: Pilar Parcerisas Colomer In the 20th century, the appearance of the machine and mechanical reproduction changed the concept of beauty and eroticism. Duchamp, Man Ray and Picabia open the doors of art history to artistic machinism, with the machine célibataire or single machine of art. This exhibition is held on the occasion of the incorporation of seven works by Marcel Duchamp and one by Man Ray to the Vall Palou Foundation collection, authors who together with Francis Picabia, articulate a new vision of art, revolutionary and disruptive, which we understand as artistic machinism in the historical avant-gardes. ↓ Video | Catalogue*
* If you want to view/download the exhibition catalogue you can stop by the foundation or ask us for the link. |
Pere Bellès. M1 IFT LLD (Mural1 InFrastrucTures LLeiDa)From November 13, 2020 - September 30, 2021
Opening: Thursday, November 12, 2020 at 12 pm. Curator: Pilar Parcerisas Colomer Pere Bellès has worked on the idea of flow, movement, a concept of the city-region that goes from the city as a protective shell to the diffuse city. The artist has been inspired by the junctions of the roads connecting the Lleida railway infrastructures that appear in the Municipal Plan. In his work, the artist looks for the movement arteries of the territory flow and close or expand them in themselves as neighborhood units. His capacity for dialogue with the physical and territorial space converts urban planimetries, architectural projects and cartographic maps into abstract compositions with the appearance of ideograms close to neoplastic abstraction. Catalogue*
* If you want to view/download the exhibition catalogue you can stop by the foundation or ask us for the link. |
Artur Aguilar. The Poetics of pure GeometryFrom September 18 to November 14, 2020
Opening: Thursday, September 17, 2020 at 7 pm. Curator: Pilar Parcerisas Colomer The painter Artur Aguilar finds Euclidean geometry in nature, the balance that is in the interior of nature from The Golden Ratio. But this is not a static fact in nature, it is also a dynamic one as shown by the movement of a hawk flying downward making a logarithmic spiral. He has put the pictorial space at the service of the mathematical rules that govern nature and The Golden Ratio that the Renaissance links to the idea of perfect proportion and beauty. It combines the constructive spirit of the space with the optical vibration of the color that gives warmth and emotion to these modular and minimalist series. ↓Videos | Catalogue*
* If you want to view/download the exhibition catalogue you can stop by the foundation or ask us for the link. |
Pep Duran. Draw the daysFrom February 7 to July 18, 2020
Opening: Thursday, February 6, 2020 at 7 pm. Curator: Pilar Parcerisas Colomer How to describe life time? Pep Duran does this by stacking papers, wood, objects, scribbles and fragments of a found reality. It acts as a time trapper and gives a new breath of life to a time made pieces like life itself. In spite of looking for the form in his unit, everything ends up being a piece, a splinter of the rest of the day, and he strives to add forms, as in the dress, unity of fragments and patterns: a sleeve, a neck, a fist, a hat. Stacking the days, with their sizzle, disorder and inevitable accumulation unites man with his vital chaos. Poet of time, draw the days with these collages that are his notebooks. Catalogue*
* If you want to view/download the exhibition catalogue you can stop by the foundation or ask us for the link. |
Vall Palou. Fire SuiteFrom October 17, 2019 to January 20, 2000
Opening: Thursday, October 17, 2019 at 7 pm. Curator: Carles Duarte i Montserrat. Fire Suite is an exhibition conceived from the successful experience of Vall Palou with raku ceramics, accompanied by several paintings on canvas that place us in a single chromatic universe. This is a wide and coherent proposal, which was developed through a wellarticulated sequence. If the name of the exhibition evokes in us the intervention of fire in the raku procedure, it also leads us to think about the tenuous thread that unites life and death, as aspects within a single cycle, of an infinite dance that incessantly begins time and time again. |
Felícia Fuster. Visual HaikusFrom October 17, 2019 to January 20, 2000
Opening: Thursday, October 17, 2019 at 7 pm. Curator: Pilar Parcerisas Colomer In visual haikus, two languages in which Felícia Fuster stood out converge: in poetry and painting. If the poetry is “combat” and “body”, the plastic is composition, central theme, gesture in movement, which crosses space like the word slides across the white of the paper. There, we find collages on blue wrapped in black that become lyrical strokes, made from fragments of engraved prints, intuitively organised in full and empty spaces. They are calligraphies in gestures on the sidereal, unreal spaces, of dreams, in which what counts is the fragment, the rhythm, the deconstruction. Their precision and simplicity easily relate them to the oriental values of emptiness and silence. As in the haikus that I wrote, the long pause in reading becomes silence, but also a plastically empty space, as if it were a sculpture. ↓ Room sheets | ↓ Press | Catalogue*
* If you want to view/download the exhibition catalogue you can stop by the foundation or ask us for the link. |
Vicenç Altaió. The fertile eyes
Vall Palou. Artist's books amb the poetsFrom April 17, 2019 to september 27, 2019
Opening: Thursday, April 25, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. Curator: Josep Miquel Garcia The exhibition includes all the artist's books that Teresa Vall Palou has made in collaboration with several poets: Sobreamor with Vicenç Altaió, Wall with cracks with Josep Maria Sala-Valldaura; White: to be where not to be with Víctor Sunyol; The party of the Untouchable with Àngels Moreno, Fata Regina with Jaume Pont, Suitcase no. 1 in Homage to Joan Brossa, Half a Century of Catalan Poetry. From May 68 to 2018 with Josep Maria Sala-Valldaura and Vicenç Altaió, Gold and night with Carles Duarte Montserrat and "To go" in homage to Felícia Fuster. All these books have the characteristic that, of the edition, only two copies are made: one for the poet and the other for the Foundation. ↓ Catalogue
Vall Palou. See yourself in the archipelagoFrom September 19, 2018 to March 15, 2019
Opening: Tuesday, September 18, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. Curator: Fina duran i Riu See yourself in the archipelago, it is a strategy, a journey through the different layers of the creative work structures. It becomes a way of composing different readings from Vall Palou creations, to go a little further in the perception of what she suggests. We understand the artist creative set as an archipelago composed by different islands, from this idea we can understand this visit as a tour by aspects such as process, colour, form, written symbols, volumes, prints and objects. The union of all these sections can help us, or perhaps not, to configure a more in-depth knowledge of your creative task, but in any case you will surely discover unpublished aspects of your work. |
Vall Palou. I just can't resist it
From October 27, 2017 to July 2, 2018
Opening: Thursday, October 26, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. Curator: Glòria Bosch Vall Palou places us in each of the spaces of the journey as if it were a circle of affinities that unfolds into a synthesis-antithesis, unfolding the difference in the artist’s records. An open process in which to generate contrasts is most evident as a visual ensemble and at the same time as an individual composition, always between expressive rhythms that transcend any world prescribed to inhabit us. Light, matter, color, transparency, opacity, gesture, space, time, chance..., a cluster of references that would not be there without emptiness and absence. |